Stinson Detroiter
The Stinson Detroiter was one of the two airplane types being operated by the China National Aviation Corporation at the opening of China’s Wings, when Wi...
The Stinson Detroiter was one of the two airplane types being operated by the China National Aviation Corporation at the opening of China’s Wings, when Wi...
The most useful commercial airplane in China in 1931
Photo of the Yangtze Gorges looking over the tail of one of CNAC’s Loening Air Yachts, early 1930s
CNAC was the China National Aviation Corporation, a civil airline partnership between Pan American Airways and the Chinese Nationalist Government of Chiang Kai-...
Colorful cover of the airline's travel brochure, middle 1930s, featuring the Douglas Dolphin
“CNAC is the China National Aviation Corporation. It is one of those peculiar enterprises whose capital value in dollars and cents might barely equ...
The people in this story knew as much about tomorrow as we do today. Which is to say, very little. The future revealed itself to them the same way it reveals it...
A beautiful and colorful first flight cover commemorating the first airmail service from Shanghai to Canton, signed by CNAC pilot Robert Gast.
The romance of those beautiful airplanes flying against the backdrop of 1930s China set a hook in my heart. Shirley’s stories and her father’s photos cracked op...