Another gallery of DC-2 pictures
Building on my previous post about the DC-2 arriving in China in May, 1935, here are a few more photos of my favorite airplane in China’s Wings:
Stories and photos related to the Douglas DC-2, the China National Aviation Corporation, and China’s Wings, by Gregory Crouch
Building on my previous post about the DC-2 arriving in China in May, 1935, here are a few more photos of my favorite airplane in China’s Wings:
The DC-2 came to China in the spring of 1935, and it was one of the seminal moments in the development of Chinese aviation. Here are some superb photos of its a...
7 excellent photos of a Douglas Dolphin and a DC-2 over the Shanghai Bund in the 1930s
Apparently, the Communist party frowned on China's history as "black time," and its scourging of past associations caused most Chinese to purge their family pho...
Continued from this post about Ernie and Florence Allison at the outbreak of war in Shanghai, August 1937… A flight of Japanese warplanes roared across th...
Fleeing Shanghai, August 1937: first in a series of posts about how the China National Aviation Corporation (CNAC) and its people escaped the outbreak of the Ba...
CNAC desperately needed airplanes in late 1937, and Bond tipped Colonel Lam to the existence of two Pan Am Commodores languishing in Manila. Beginning in early ...
Here are CNAC’s four DC-2s on the Lunghwa flightline in 1937, before the Marco Polo Bridge incident, the Japanese invasion, and the Battle of Shanghai. Th...
To get us back on the aviation track, here’s a fine pic of a CNAC ground crew hand fueling a DC-2 in the late-1930s. Probably at Chengtu.
Lunghwa Pagoda was a major landmark for pilots and passengers flying in and out of Shanghai in the 1930s… here a few photos showing the pagoda then and no...