If you’re interested in military history, I strongly suggest perusing the Michigan War Studies Review, an online scholarly journal affiliated with the Michigan War Studies Group dedicated to reviewing books that treat with military history.
The War Studies Review has 7 years worth of book reviews posted, and they’re superb. Note, they’re book reviews, by subject matter experts, not book summaries, as is most published stuff that tries to pass itself off as reviews online and in print. I’ve sampled quite a number of the reviews, and where they intersect subjects and/or books I’m familiar with, I generally find myself in agreement with their analysis, as in this review of Frank McLynn’s The Burma Campaign: Disaster into Triumph, 1942-1945, or thinking, “Hmmm, maybe I should have considered that…”

I had the opportunity to make a China’s Wings presentation to the War Studies Group three weeks ago, which sparked a really rewarding discussion with 12-15 history professors (loosely) affiliated with the University of Michigan. My only regret is that we didn’t have more time. Happily, James Holoka, editor of the War Studies Review, found a subject matter expert willing to review China’s Wings. I’m really looking forward to the criticism.
On the War Studies Group website, I recommend their “Internet Resources” page, which has a long list of links to useful and interesting military-history related websites.