Climber finds $330K worth of precious stones
A climber in France found $330,000 worth of precious stones! “Climber finds treasure trove off Mount Blanc”
Posts that resist categorization
A climber in France found $330,000 worth of precious stones! “Climber finds treasure trove off Mount Blanc”
On my way to get some small surf at Ocean Beach this morning, with the relic on the left.
Another photo gallery of Esfahan, Iran. (Click on any of the pictures and you can scroll through with more detail.) Also, from Reuters: “Iran’s fore...
Of all the mountains in the world I've been fool enough to climb, Iran's Mount Damavand stands with Argentina's Cerro Torre as the only two "offshore" mountains...
I've always been partial to the Bay Bridge, a working man's bridge, the red-headed stepchild of the Bay Area compared to its glamorous twin
Most taken in the Friday Mosque, one of my favorite public buildings I've ever had the pleasure of visiting. Esfahan, Iran
I get that I'm the most spectacularly unhip person on earth, so everybody else has probably been turned into this for years, if not decades, but Mother of God, ...
Random Friday Linkage: Carly Rae Jepson, Paul Bogard, car chases, Bo Xilai, bad human beings, Louisiana sinkholes, two funny foreign commercials, and most impor...
Regular readers of this site will remember that two months ago I posted a review of Steph Davis’s remarkable book, Learning to Fly. In it, amidst a descri...
Ever wonder what environmental calamity looks like from space? This article gives the answer, it's both beautiful and terrifying, and it concerns every one of u...