Alex Honnold is probably the most interesting climber active in the world today.
Here’s “Free Spirit,” my review of Honnold’s new book Alone on the Wall (co-authored by David Roberts) in the November 28 & 29, 2015 edition of The Wall Street Journal.
To present my climbing credentials, here’s my alpine memoir, Enduring Patagonia (Random House, 2001), my attempt to crack open the world of cutting edge alpinism for a general readership.
And here’s the full list of book reviews I’ve done for The WSJ, The Washington Post, NPR Books, and elsewhere.
I found the book critically low on insight and mostly a mash-up of information and stories already told. Honnold is quite clearly “rad,” but I thought he and Roberts dropped the ball both on a content and a literary level. I’m sure my attitude would be quite different if I was a non-climber though. I had high hopes since some of Roberts work is quite good but it was not to be. From a climbers prospective (clearly not the point of your review) what did you think, Greg?
I can see where your opinion comes from, but from a practical standpoint, I didn’t see how Roberts/Honnold could have pulled that combination off without it feeling and reading like puffery.
Congratulations on yet another great piece in this morning’s Wall Street Journal! Interesting, informative, insightfully presented, and effectively conveying spirit and sense of adventure—As in all Greg Crouch books and reviews! The Best Part of the WSJ!
Steve & Patty Michiels
Thanks, Steve! Blushing